?Google Analytics – 最佳教學分享?

「Google Analytics (分析) 的基本功能」將為新使用者說明如何建立帳戶、導入追蹤程式碼及設定資料篩選器。您可以學到如何瀏覽 Google Analytics (分析) 介面和報表,並設定資訊主頁和快速鍵。本課程還會示範如何分析基本的「目標對象」、「客戶開發」和「行為」報表,以及如何設定目標和廣告活動追蹤。 現在,Google Analytics有免費的課程令大家可以學習如何由數據中獲取商機,一齊了解下: Google Analytics

?Top 14 Mobile App Development Trends 2021?

Since the advent of smartphones, users have not turned back ever, and the technology is gaining new inventions every year. Everything that has happened afterward was beyond even the most delusion imaginations. Within just a few years, smartphones have become our constant companion and that’s why the mobile app development business is touching the sky☀️.…